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healthy baked goods

  1. Best Fruits for Baking

    Best Fruits for Baking

    Do you get sick of baking with mainly chocolate and vanilla flavors? Are you tired of doing different variations of red velvet desserts? Shake up your summer bakery menu by baking with fresh fruit. Customers will love to see a new, healthy spin on their favorite items. Plus, you’ll have tons of baked good options when you’re mixing fresh and...

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  2. Bakery Trends: Healthy Treats

    Bakery Trends: Healthy Treats

    Over the past few years, healthier eating habits have become a point of focus for many Americans, with organic and whole grain ingredients becoming highly sought after for shoppers across the country. The National Restaurant Association has found that 71 percent of adults are trying to eat healthier at restaurants than two years ago, but just because your customers are...

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