When we think of fall desserts, we typically think of apple and pumpkin pies. Pies are an extremely popular dessert in fall and winter months, and are typically a fan favorite during the holiday season. However, when spring comes, we often find ourselves searching for a spring dessert. Luckily, there are plenty of pies that are fitting to warmer weather as well.

Chiffon Cake with Strawberries and Cream

The perfect spring dessert starts with fresh fruit. Martha Stewart has some great suggestions for spring dessert recipes, including a light and delicious chiffon cake with strawberries and cream. Spring is the perfect season to indulge in some healthier sweets  and this fresh recipe will delight guests.

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Sticking with the strawberry theme, try a fresh strawberry pie. Babble.com’s recipe for fresh strawberry pie calls for tons of whipped topping and fresh strawberries. You’ll be serving a classic pie, but with a fresh, strawberry and spring-perfect taste.

Mini Strawberry-Rhubarb Galletes

If you want to make a baked good that is a bit more filling, consider giving mini strawberry-rhubarb galettes a chance. This is similar to a fruit tart, where everyone can have their own personal dessert and top it how they’d like. This scrumptious dessert recipe will leave each of your dinner guests asking for another.

Lemon Meringue Pie

The bitter taste of lemons is savory and sweet in the springtime. A lemon meringue pie is a spring classic that is tart to taste but will leave guests coming back for more. You’ll have people asking you for the recipe after just a few bites.

Grapefruit Meringue Pie

Consider using fresh grapefruits in a pie this spring. Grapefruits come with plenty of health benefits and can easily be whipped into an exquisite dessert. Check out this recipe to create a relatively healthier pie that all ages will enjoy.

Spring is getting closer and before it arrives, get the baking equipment you’ll need with Empire Bakery to create the best spring desserts possible.