It’s obvious that mixing a great dough is the first important step in the baking process, however, a great dough means nothing if not proofed properly. Dough proofing may be the most underestimated and overlooked process in baking. Even experienced bakers don’t always realize the crucial role it plays in your final product. Proofing will determine the texture, flavor, look and overall quality of your baked goods. Whether you are baking artisan breads, pizza or pastries, proper dough proofing can make or break your product. We will delve into the reasons why dough proofing is so important and how to get the best proof to elevate your baked goods.

Flavor Development

Ever have a piece of artisan bread and get hit with a mouth full of flavor and not just a bland bready taste? Ever wonder why some pizzerias have such a better crust than others? Well, that’s most likely due to proper proofing. During the proofing process, yeast ferments the sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. When you proof your dough at the right temperature and the right length of time, the yeast is able to properly work its magic! The result is a more complex flavor such as the subtle tanginess in a good sourdough. That tangy goodness you taste is the result of a well-fermented and properly-proofed dough.

Optimal Texture & Cell Structure

Proofing plays a major role in the overall structure and texture of your final product. You’ll notice that all the best baguettes, sourdoughs, focaccias and ciabattas you see have a beautiful crumb structure to them. This is a result of proper proofing due to the gas produced by the yeast. The gases create air pockets in the dough making it rise properly and become light and airy. The airy crumb structure will make the product soft and tender resulting in it being more enjoyable to eat.

Improved Digestibility

This may not have much to do with the look of your product, but it will keep customers happy nonetheless. The fermentation process that occurs during proofing breaks down complex sugars and proteins in the dough and makes it easier for your body to digest. In some cases, people with gluten sensitivities will say they can tolerate sourdough breads which has long proof times. A product that is easily digested is one that will keep customers happy and coming back for more!

Product Consistency

Proofing the proper way each time will result in a consistent product with predictable results. Following a recipe is only effective if you follow proper proofing times for each product. To ensure consistency and make sure doughs are never overproofed or underproofed, bakers will use a dough-proofer machine. Dough proofers allow you to set the temperature, humidity and time, providing the most accurate possible dough proofing time and time again. Empire Dough Proofers feature controlled heat and humidity systems allowing you to create the absolute best environment for proofing a variety of products.

After reading about how crucial dough proofing is, you can argue that dough proofing is the most important step in creating a great product. Next time you get to the proofing portion of your baking process, remember how it will influence flavor, texture, structure and digestibility. Remember that the time you invest and the patience that you put toward proofing your dough will pay off with every bite. Happy Baking!