The holidays are here! For bakeries all across the country, the month between Thanksgiving and New Year is a busy one. In fact, it's not uncommon for some places to generate up to 40% of their annual sales this time of year. Your challenge is to keep them coming back for more! Here are some tips for turning first-time holiday shoppers into raving fans!

Maintain Multi-Channel Consistency

flocktagWe live in the age of the smart phone. Shoppers are constantly browsing the internet not just from home but right there in your store. Make sure the message your broadcast in-store and on-line are the same. If you're offering a special gift basket or discount to your Twitter followers, have that same offer clearly marked in the store. (i.e. Join us on Twitter and receive...) Make sure your staff is fully aware of the details of your promotion. Drawing a customer into the store with the promise of a discount that the cashier knows nothing about will only leave them frustrated.

Create a Superior In-Store Experience

The holidays are a hectic time for everyone. Stores are crowded, people are rushing around and everyone seems to be on a budget crunch. So how can you make their time in your bakery memorable? Great Customer Service!

290467645_c4807ebea1_zLook at last year's trends. If you were busy "all day, every day" then you should consider hiring some additional holiday help. Take the time to hire and train employees to be friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. It might cost a little more to have the extra help, but it will be worth it to save your customers from a poor shopping experience.

Be sure to keep an eye on your checkout lines as well. If you frequently have bottlenecks at the register, you might want to rethink how customers pay for their purchases. A mobile payment system where employees can accept credit cards and help customers check out from any point in the store might be something to consider. Improving the check-out process for your guests will eliminate stress and leave them with a good shopping memory of your bakery.

Finally, remember that the holidays are supposed to be fun! That's easy to lose sight of with an overwhelming barrage of customers coming at you all month long. Work at ensuring your staff remain friendly and in good spirits for the holiday season. Their outlook - both positive and negative - will directly affect your customer's shopping experience.

Exceed Customer Expectations

WomanSniffingBread-850x400Retaining first-time holiday shoppers is all about exceeding their expectations. Taking the time to go above and beyond is what will keep them coming back to your store. If you promise customers a certain delivery time frame, work to get it there that much earlier. Offer a free gift at check out, like a pastry sample or chocolate truffle. These items may only cost you 50 cents to produce but the good will, repeat business and positive word of mouth it produces will be priceless!

Keep In Touch Throughout the Year

Take advantage of the increase in traffic this time of year to capture as much data as you can about your new customers without becoming intrusive. Offer an incentive to sign up for a loyalty program or giveaway. The information you collect will drive future communications with your customer. Just remember to take it slow. Don't bombard new customers with mass emails or coupons right off the bat. Take the time to personalize your communications with new customers so it doesn't come off like spam.

Transforming a first time shopper into a loyal customer takes more than a good first impression; it takes an amazing lasting impression! Anyone can ring up a loaf of bread and wave good-bye. Establishing loyalty take a little more effort. By instilling the customer with a confidence and comfort level in your bakery, you'll keep them coming back time and again.